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“Start Reading The Good Book Instead Of FaceBook”
                    Use Your Talents To Bless Others God gave wonderful talents to us all. He did that with the purpose that we bless other lives with those talents. They were not meant for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others. So, to please the Lord,take an inventory of your gifts and talents, and think of ways you can use them to bless your                    local church and community.                           (Anonymous)         “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another,as                                 good stewards of manifold grace of God.                                       (1 Peter 4:10 NKJV)
Old Time
      Weather      Forecaster
Weather Station      Console
Old Time
1950’s Barometer
Weather Station
Old Time Thermometer
A man with a thermometer always knows the temperature. A man with two thermometers, not so sure.
Information for Ham Radio operators